
Houses in astrology
Houses in astrology

houses in astrology

Planets occupying or owning these houses cause death if the longevity of the individual is exhausted. Houses 3 and 8 are houses of longevity, and since houses 2 and 7 are 12th to these houses, they cause a loss of longevity. Marakasthanas: Houses 2 and 7 are marakas (killers). Tri-shadya Bhavas: Houses 3, 6 and 11 they are malefic houses. whenever we want to examine the condition of any part of the body, the concerned house and the same. The Houses are always fixed and are shown below: Concerning the body, the significations of each house generally correspond to the significations of the equivalent sign of the zodiac in seriatim i.e.

houses in astrology

The third house is a mild dusthana and even then only in some respects, but houses 6, 8 and 12 are extremely malefic. Follwing is the picture of vedic chart of a human being. The division of houses in the horoscope is made in such a s way that there is a. This is the place where the various planets of our Solar system, as well as the other aspects of the zodiac are expressed. The are said to be evil and malefic houses. The astrological houses (or sectors), as present in the astrological chart, can be understood as representing various aspects of our life. These houses and their lords bring difficulties, suffering, loss, anxieties, worries, obstacles, disease, incarceration, impediments, enemies, lawsuits, accidents, injuries, surgeries, and death like experiences into our lives. Trikasthanas: Houses 6, 8 and 12 are considered to be the three evil houses of suffering or dusthanas. The 9th House of last birth is 5th House of this present Birth. The Trine 1, 5, 9 signify the present, future and past, and the Native himself-his children-His Father (the circle of Evolution). These House form trines angles of 120 degrees with each other. The kendras and their lords are considered to be auspicious. There are 12 Houses in a traditional Horoscope. They represent some of the most important and fundamental aspects of our lives - body and persona, home and mother, marriage and relationships, and career. Kendras: The kendras, or angular houses (1, 4, 7, and 10), and their lords, represent the pillars of the horoscope. They bring spirituality, knowledge, goodness, generosity, wealth and fame, especially if they are well endowed. Trikonas: The trikonas, houses 1, 5, and 9, and their lords, are the most auspicious houses in the chart. A general classification of the bhavas is as follows: It is extremely important to bear in mind that each planet has a preordained intention for the native throughout the life. An understanding of the houses and the intention of the house lord is critical in this predictive science.

Houses in astrology